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Brave Books

Brave Books have brought our K-12 class a lot of great lessons and laughs!  We were able to go through all the stories and challenges in Saga 1 for the 23-24 school year.  

"Upon becoming a father, BRAVE founder and CEO, Trent Talbot, saw the inappropriate content being pushed upon children and realized the need for a wholesome alternative. He left his career as a practicing ophthalmologist and founded BRAVE Books.

"BRAVE's mission is to be the brand parents trust with their children's imaginations by creating a world, characters, and stories that not only enthrall them but build their character while doing so." - Brave Books

I would highly recommend these books to school-aged children for sure!  Don't think your older children won't like them…our students always looked forward to them.  

Don't forget the challenges in the back.  They bring the lessons come to life:)

Through the Word

Through the Word is a nonprofit ministry dedicated to equipping people around the world to read the Bible, understand it, apply it, and make it a habit. We provide simple yet powerful tools via the web and mobile apps that lead users on a journey to understand the entire Bible, one chapter at a time. 

"TTW combines clear, balanced, and relatable teaching with direct accessibility. Our purpose is God’s calling: to make disciples, equip the saints, and preach the word. (Mat. 28:19, Eph. 4:12, 2 Tim, 4:2)”

I have been using TTW for about four years now!  For about the last two years, I've used it every day!  I definitely have made it a habit for sure.  Don't give up if you haven't made the time to get into the Word every day.  Keep trying.  I know for me that it's a great way to start my day. 

For your teens, this would be an easy way for them to start making it a habit in their lives as well. They can download the app on their phone and listen wherever they are.  

Check it out…you'll be glad you did!

Plugged In

"Plugged In is a Focus on the Family publication designed to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate, and impact the culture in which they live. Through our reviews, articles and discussions, we hope to spark intellectual thought, spiritual growth and a desire to follow the command of Colossians 2:8: ‘See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.’

"Each month, Plugged In is visited more than 1 million times by people looking for detailed information about what’s really in popular movies, videos, television episodes, songs and games. Entertainment industry ratings only tell you so much. We go deeper, diving into specific content and the meaning behind it. Our award-winning website also offers news and blog."

I know I have taken children to movies and right in the middle of a great scene, I can't believe what I'm seeing!  Why do movies and “family” entertainment have to be like that?!  Ugh! 

Well, if you check out this website BEFORE you go, you may decide to do something else or just stay home:)  


EdChoice is a site that covers what school choice is all about and what states allow the different kinds of choices.  

School choice allows public education funds to follow students to the schools or services that best fit their needs — whether that’s to a public school, private school, charter school, home school, or any other learning environment families choose. 

Watch the video below to see how an educational choice system works, and check out their website to be able to answer any other questions you may have.

Iowa does have options, but at this time Ark Academy is not an accredited school, so we would not qualify as a learning environment in Iowa that would be eligible for parents.

We won't be able to begin the accreditation process for a couple of years and then it can take a couple of years to actually become accredited.  It is a lengthy process.  We have yet to decide if accreditation will be the route we take. We will make the decision at the time we are able to begin.

Herzog Foundation

Herzog Foundation is the site to visit if you are interested in joining the Christian education movement.   

Herzog Foundation has been extremely helpful in helping me lay the foundation for Ark Academy!  I can't imagine going through starting a school without their trainings, connections, and Godly wisdom.  

Just recently, in March 2023, I completed my final bootcamp training!  The trainings included Marketing Bootcamp, School Board Governance (two of our board members attended with me), Strategic Planning Bootcamp (two parents attended with me), Culture Building & People Management Bootcamp, and Donor Development (my husband attended this one with me).  What I learned through these trainings was priceless!  

At the last training I was recognized for completing all of the bootcamps.  It was noted that I completed 119 hours of bootcamp trainings, 15 days of training, worked through 446 bootcamp workbook pages, and worked with 220 other professionals! It was for sure an investment of my time and it was worth it!

They have just recently started teaching trainings, which I plan on sending my teachers to.  I plan on investing in my teachers!  They will be well worth it.

Making the Leap Podcast

Making the Leap Podcast is a great resource for parents who are new to Christian education or just want to learn more!  I listen to Making the Leap on long car rides.  So much helpful information.  You will hear stories of how parents made their decision to make the leap from public to Christian education and what helped them in their decision making.  

I know for almost every family the issue of being able to afford Christian education is a big concern.  Rightly so.  But once you begin talking to families that have made that commitment and sacrifice, they will all say it was worth every penny. Click on this link or copy and paste it into your browser,, to listen to a podcast titled “Crafty Ways to Afford Christian Schools.”  It is Season 1, Episode 34.

You will find out you are not alone.

Teach 4 the Heart

Teach 4 the heart has been one of my favorite places to go for encouragement and ideas.  This site is all about effective teaching strategies from a biblical perspective.  If you are a Christian teacher, this website is for you!  It has a podcast, a blog, courses you can receive professional credit from, a conference you can attend, and books to purchase.  I receive emails on a regular basis and they continually are helpful and uplifting.  

Check it out!!

It's about time!