Phylis Kurriger is a retired teacher who taught high school math for 36 years in the public schools. The last ten years were at Belle Plaine. She got her BA and Masters from the University of Northern Iowa.
She has been married to Denny, or Coach “K”, for 48 years (October 2023). She has two children; Adam, who works at Dollar General in Belle Plaine and Jessica, who lives and teaches at an elementary in Albert Lea, MN along with her husband, Larry Rassler.
Phylis loves to travel with her husband. She also spends many weekends in Minnesota cheering on her three grandsons (Brodie, Cooper, and Drew), in baseball, football, basketball, choir concerts, band performances and church activities. Family is very special to her.
She is an active member of Grace Community Church in Belle Plaine. Being part of a Bible teaching church was so important that she and her husband were part of the original group that planted this church in town in 2015.
Phylis hopes her many years of experience in education and her love for the Truth in God’s Word will be an asset to Ark Academy.