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The use of heraldic (herald means, 1. an official messenger bringing news. 2. A person or thing viewed as a sign that something is about to happen. 3. (historical) an official employed to oversee state ceremony, precedence, and the use of armorial bearings, and to make proclamations, carry ceremonial messages, and oversee tournaments.) symbols began several hundred years ago. Crests containing these symbols clearly associated the wearer as being a proud member of a distinct family, group, or clan and symbolized virtues such as bravery, honor, faithfulness, and achievement.  The crest was to be worn proudly as an emblem of noble lineage and passed down from generation to generation.

Several centuries later, highly accomplished institutions of learning began using these symbols in crests of their own.  Using a crest gave them a visual identity. When people saw the crest, they would immediately associate it with the school it represented, just as a crest on a shield had denoted the family or clan in battle hundreds of years earlier.

We at Ark Academy place a high value on history, tradition, and passing down a biblical legacy to our students. It is with profound respect for this history, tradition, and legacy that we introduce our crest and fullness of its meaning. May this crest be passed down from generation to generation of Ark Academy students who will wear it proudly as they impact their community for the glory of God through service, leadership, and character.


Historically, western civilizations have associated purple colors with nobility, majesty, sovereignty, and justice. This color reminds us of our Savior who is the one true King, clothed in majesty, who rules with sovereignty and justice.  


Above all, we want our students to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. A shield was chosen as a reminder to put on the armor of God and to take up the shield of faith so we will be able to defend the truth and fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12).  


The Parthenon is regarded as an enduring symbol of Ancient Greece and one of the world’s greatest cultural monuments. Because it stands for beauty, culture, and wisdom, this symbol was chosen to denote the classical education component of Ark Academy. The book of Proverbs passionately instructs the reader to pursue knowledge and understanding as one pursues great riches.

Proverbs 9:10 states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Thus, one cannot attain true wisdom and understanding without knowing the Lord. At Ark Academy, students are provided with opportunities to do both simultaneously through the study of a high quality, rigorous (accurate, extremely thorough), academic curriculum centered around God’s Word.

If you look closely, you will also notice that the circles and pillars are designed to represent people, a family partnering together to bring up their children in the wisdom and truth of the Lord. The steps of the Parthenon have three levels symbolizing the three stages of the trivium (grammar, grades preschool–3rd; logic, grades 4th-8th, and rhetoric, grades 9th-12th), which are foundational to classical education. They also represent the trinity and Christ as our foundation for all learning and truth.

Bible and Cross

The Bible and cross symbolize the Christian nature of Ark Academy. This is the most important of our values. God has given us His Word as the source of all truth. “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17). The cross runs through the center of the entire crest to remind us that Christ should be the central focus of every aspect of Ark Academy. Only through the study of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s work in one’s life can students develop a personal relationship with the Savior and gain the character needed to serve, lead, and impact their community for the glory of God.


The raven was chosen to represent Ark Academy.  A raven was first mentioned as the first bird that Noah sent out of the ark to see whether the waters had begun to dry up; and that it did not go back to him again (Genesis 8:17).

“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap; they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds” (Luke 12:24). Jesus was speaking to his disciples letting them know that if He will take care of the ravens, He will certainly take care of them.  They need not be anxious or afraid.

1 Kings 17:2-6 states, “Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: ‘Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.’  “So he did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.” Therefore, whenever you see a raven, it is a sign that God is going to provide for you.

Est. 2022 - Ark Academy was established in 2022. Displaying this date serves as a “memorial stone.” In the Old Testament, God often asked his people to set up stones as memorials so they would see them for years to come and be reminded of the great things God had done in the past. Commemorating the year Ark Academy was established helps us to remember the great things God has done and see His guiding hand as He continues to lead, grow, and bless the school in the years to come.

The crest was created by Drew Phillips in 2022.

It's about time!